Saturday, 16 February 2008

Photo Shoot

So I'm pretty satisfied with my choice of leather for the first look. It looks great with the silk fabric. And YAY for finally completing the dress (the damn blindstitching and hemming took longer than I thought) for the photo shoot that we had last Monday, which contain the first looks of the whole class. They rented a studio near SoHo and had each one of us sign up for it ahead of time. It was nerve-racking because I had no idea what it'd be like. As I entered the room, I saw 4-5 models dressing up with help from students at one side of the room and a photo shoot set at the other side of the room. We had Seniors from Photography department help us with the whole thing. Everything seemed so hectic and that made me more nervous, but after all it went quick and was a great experience. It was exciting just to be there with a "professional" photographer taking pictures of the model in my dress. Hopefully they look through all the pictures carefully and choose the right ones for the book. I can't wait to see it!

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